So, earlier on today, Basketmouth shared this tweet which to him seemed harmless.
Unfortunately, it pissed a whole lot of people off.
Basketmouth has since deleted the tweet and has apologized but reactions continue to pour in.
Some people are strongly asking brands for whom Basketmouth is an ambassador to dump him.
A Zimbabwean mother of four even wrote in from the States lashing out at the comedian.
A hashtag #RapeIsNoJoke has already been created to pursue the cause.
More tweets after the cut
they are enemy of progress....they want their fathers to take his place in the ambassedor post...he has apolgize...for crying out loud he is a comedian....when they insult our leaders and you laff, you dont know their life is at stake? but all for you to be happy....i dont agree but he has apolgized...haters can go to hell
Every now n then we all say or do stuff that r nt a true reflection of us. 4 anybody that does or say tins n afterwards truly regrets n tries 2 make amends, dt persons deserves 2 b 4given. He may b basketmouth, d star, Glo ambassador, remember he is still human.
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