A Hurricane Sandy victim is upset that President Obama used her for a photo op and broke his promises to help her. Donna Vanzant became one of the faces of Hurricane Sandy in touching photos taken during Obama’s visit to storm damaged New Jersey.
In the days following Hurricane Sandy, Obama stopped by the marina that Vanzant owned to survey the damage. He hugged Vanzant and made empty promises to send financial aid.
Now Vanzant is crying foul because Obama has not kept his promise to help her and others who lost everything they owned to the storm’s fury. Instead of sending the help that he promised, Obama’s aides sent Vanzant a form email.
“[The email] had nothing to do with what I was asking him. It was a form letter. It thanked me for supporting the troops. He made a promise to rebuild on national television, and I can’t even get this money,” she said.
Vanzant expressed her disappointment with Obama in interviews with FOX News and other media outlets.
“When you get a hug from the President of the United States, you feel like there’s something there,” she said.
“A promise was made… I raised my kids to know that your word is your word. You promise something, you keep it, and that was a broken promise.”
Vanzant said she suffered $500,000 in business losses, as well as $200,000 in uninsured losses to her marina.
Are people really this naive? What did she expect? Obama is a politician who was running for reelection — and promises are made to be broken.
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