A software engineer is in a Brevard County jail charged with murder and attempted murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old high school student Jordan Davis.
The incident occurred at a Jacksonville gas station on Southside Boulevard on Friday. Michael Dunn, who is white, told police he “felt threatened” by Davis and his friends after he complained about the loud music coming from their car. Davis is African American.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that Jacksonville homicide Lt. Rob Schoonover said Dunn pulled out a weapon and started firing into the vehicle. Davis was shot multiple times and the car was riddled with at leasr 8 bullets.
“Our suspect produced a weapon and started firing into the vehicle. Our victim was shot a couple of times,” Schoonover said. “ … They were listening to the music. It was loud; they [other teens] admitted that. But I mean that is not a reason for someone to open fire on them.”
After the shooting Dunn and his girlfriend casually drove to their Jacksonville hotel. They then returned to their Brevard County home, where he was arrested.
Davis was a well-liked student at Samuel W. Wolfson High School, a magnet school in Duval county.
Dun is vice president of Dunn & Dunn Data Systems, a software development company in Vero Beach, Florida.
The tragic case is already drawing comparisons to 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was gunned down by a cowardly neighborhood watch man who claimed he felt threatened by the unarmed teen.
Florida is one of the states that have controversial Stand Your Ground laws on the books. The law supports an individual’s right to stand their ground and use deadly force when they feel threatened.
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